How do you bless a baby in the LDS Church?

What are Latter-day Saint Baby Blessings

Blessing a baby in the LDS Church is a deeply cherished tradition that holds immense significance for families within the faith. It is a momentous occasion celebrated within the community, symbolizing the beginning of a child’s journey in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Preparation and Setting

Before the blessing, families prepare for the occasion with careful attention to detail. The infant is dressed in white, symbolizing purity and innocence. Loved ones gather in a special sacrament meeting, creating a warm and supportive atmosphere for the sacred event.

The Blessing Ceremony

During the ceremony, a worthy priesthood holder, often the father, stands before the congregation to offer the blessing. Through the authority of the priesthood, blessings are believed to be pronounced by the will of God. The blessing typically includes words of guidance, protection, and blessings for the child’s future.

Expressions of Gratitude and Commitment

Following the blessing, parents express gratitude for the opportunity to bless their children and commit to raising them by LDS teachings. This includes nurturing their child’s faith, teaching them the principles of the gospel, and providing a loving and supportive environment for their spiritual growth.

Community Support

The congregation plays an integral role in the blessing ceremony, offering silent prayers for the baby and their family. This collective support strengthens the bond within the community and reinforces the importance of unity in faith.

Symbolism and Significance

The blessing of a baby is rich in symbolism and significance within the LDS Church. It symbolizes the child’s introduction to the community of faith and their commitment to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It also represents the sacred responsibility of parents to raise their children in righteousness and instill within them a love for God.


In conclusion, the blessing of a baby in the LDS Church is a sacred and joyous occasion filled with love, faith, and hope for the future. It marks the beginning of a child’s journey in the gospel and serves as a reminder of the divine blessings and responsibilities of parenthood.

Why do Mormons bless babies?

Mormons bless babies as a sacred tradition rooted in their belief in the power of the priesthood and the importance of family. Blessing a baby is seen as a way to formally introduce the child to the community of faith and to invoke divine guidance and protection upon them. It’s also a way for parents to express their commitment to raising their child per LDS teachings and to seek blessings for the child’s future. Overall, blessing babies is a significant part of Mormon religious practice that reflects their emphasis on family, faith, and spiritual growth from a young age.

What age can Mormons bless their babies?

Babies are typically blessed in the LDS Church when they are infants, usually within the first few months after birth.

What do you say at a baby blessing?

At a baby blessing, the person giving the blessing typically offers words of guidance, encouragement, and blessings for the child’s future. They may also express gratitude for the opportunity to bless the child and commit to raising them per LDS teachings.

Do you have to have a temple recommend to bless a baby?

No, having a temple recommend is not a requirement to bless a baby in the LDS Church. As long as the person giving the blessing holds the priesthood and is considered worthy according to LDS standards, they can participate in blessing a baby.

What do you wear to a Mormon baby blessing?

Attendees at a Mormon baby blessing typically wear their Sunday best, which usually includes dresses or suits for adults and dressy outfits for children. It’s common for the baby being blessed to be dressed in white, symbolizing purity.